Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184 – review of a tropical forage legume

This comprehensive review on Stylosanthes guianensis accession CIAT 184, based on approximately 180 references, summarizes the research and development around this genotype. It has been extensively tested across tropical regions and has been developed into commercial cultivars in multiple countries. The genotype has been studied in various disciplines and in numerous countries of tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and China. It has also been utilized by farmers. CIAT 184 is particularly successful in southern China, where it resulted in 5 cultivars. Its standout feature is its resistance to the fungal disease anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) throughout the tropics, except for the savanna ecozone in tropical America. Other benefits of CIAT 184 include adaptation to acidic, infertile soils, drought tolerance, and high production of nutritious dry matter that can be used as traditional forage for ruminants and as leaf meal or pellets to feed monogastrics. Furthermore, CIAT 184 has been used for soil conservation and improvement, such as erosion control, mulching, and green manure, either alone or in association with crops and trees. The review includes work related to basic research, primarily conducted in China. It concludes with a brief discussion on the current adoption of CIAT 184 and suggestions regarding future perspectives and research needs.

Number of accessions
Creation date
12 August 2023
Published in Genesys
19 January 2024
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Subset creators

Not specified
LIU GUODAO Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute (TCGRI)

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MCPD - ec194d6b-bbfe-42ba-9284-fbd1298ab2a7.xlsx

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