Sorghum Brown mid rib

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) grown for grain, forage, or fuel, has been considered as model biomass feedstock. Brown midrib (BMR) sorghum is reported to have reduced lignin content that results in increased forage digestibility. The BMR mutants are phenotypically characterized by the presence of brown vascular tissues in the leaf blade and sheath, as well as in the stem. This subset contains a list of BMR available in the ICRISAT Genebank.

Type of subset
Method of selection
Brown mid rib
Number of accessions
Creation date
25 September 2023
Published in Genesys
27 September 2023
Subset metadata

Subset creators

Data curator
Dr. Mani Vetriventhan ICRISAT

Data and resources

MCPD passport data

MCPD - 5199389b-a2e9-4726-b971-a2f95b3b1a16.xlsx

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List of accessions included in the subset

IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NN62J
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NN64M
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NPKS1
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NPM5D