Genesys is an online platform where you can find information about Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) conserved in genebanks worldwide.

Recent activity

Simplify Genebank Data Management with Embedded Genesys Integration

Discover how Embedded Genesys can save you time and money by integrating data from Genesys directly into your website.

2 days ago
Help us make Genesys available in your language!

Genesys is now accessible in French and Spanish for a select group of users.

11 July 2024
New data from national genebanks

Here are the updates made in the first half of 2024.

5 July 2024
User guide: How to Upload Trait Data

This tutorial covers uploading trait data to Genesys, based on the Genesys webinar series.

1 July 2024
Accessions from USDA updated

All records from USDA NPGS are up to date!

21 June 2024
Update to material request form

Our material request form has been updated based on feedback from our partner genebanks.

10 June 2024

Highlighted crops

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