Sorghum Multi trait mini core

Sorghum is a multipurpose crop cultivated in over 100 countries, but its productivity is constrained by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, sorghum improvement programs largely focus on developing high-yielding cultivars with multiple traits including stress resistance, bioenergy, and nutritional quality. To enhance the use of diverse germplasm in sorghum improvement, a germplasm diversity representative subset called mini core collection was established in 2009 (Upadhyaya et al. 2009).

The availability of germplasm that is agronomically desirable and a source of resistance to multiple stresses is most desirable for use in breeding programs. The mini core collection was evaluated by many researchers and reported several trait-specific accessions for yield, quality, and stress tolerance traits. Later, considering the published records and agronomic performance of mini core accessions, a total of 28 multi-traits-specific germplasm accessions have been identified. This subset listed those 28 multiple trait-specific accessions. For details, please refer to Upadhyaya et al. 2019.

Trait-specific accessions represent accessions from Africa and Asia, and from different races/intermediate races, offering breeders the opportunity to choose diverse parents in different combinations of traits/regions/races for breeding improved cultivars for enhancing grain yield and quality, in addition to the improved adaptation of sorghum cultivars to environmental challenges. These accessions also can be utilized in genetic and genomic investigations to understand the mechanisms underlying multiple stress tolerance, and mapping genes.

Type of subset
Method of selection
Multi trait mini core
Number of accessions
Creation date
25 September 2023
Published in Genesys
27 September 2023
Subset metadata

Subset creators

Data curator
Dr. Mani Vetriventhan ICRISAT

Data and resources

MCPD passport data

MCPD - 53e8327c-6efc-4fe3-92ea-23f3a3fda6c7.xlsx

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List of accessions included in the subset

3. IS 1212Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor (L.) Moench • NSL 51380 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/N2ZMW
4. IS 1233Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor (L.) Moench • PI 562744 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/N3058
9. IS 7305Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor (L.) Moench • BO 3 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/N7KBK
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NCCF=
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/ND8A1
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NDTS0
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NE3DH
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NEPM3
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NFGCD
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NJ76G
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NJDV7
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NMMA5
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NMZX6
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NN2VT
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NN9AB
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NNH20
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NPA0N
24. IS 26484Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor (L.) Moench • SG 4109 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NQT9C
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NSE24
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NSKEW
27. IS 30383Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor (L.) Moench • Xiao huang luo su jiao • Traditional cultivar/Landrace
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NVM4T
IND002 • DOI: 10.18730/NWXQS