Varieties and germplasm entries of the CIAT bank received from national programs and adapted from other countries, as of December 1981.

The Bean Program used a three-stage progeny evaluation strategy (Figure 7). In the first stage, the Bean Team Nursery (VEF), was a uniform, multidisciplinary evaluation of materials for adaptation and resistance to priority diseases and insects. Approximately 1000 lines entered this nursery each year. The selected materials (approximately 300 lines per year) passed to the second stage of evaluation, the Preliminary Yield Trials (PD). In these, the lines underwent an almost complete evaluation, including resistance to diseases and minor pests, quality factors and Nitrogen fixation. The best materials selected from the PDs (approximately 100 lines per year) were included in the International Bean Yield and Adaptation Nursery (IBYAN).

This evaluation scheme for improved bean materials allowed the free flow of genetic materials from national programs to CIAT and vice versa. In the initial phases of this evaluation program (1976-77), the materials incorporated were germplasm bank selections and established varieties from Latin American countries. Since 1978, the representation of new genetic lines has steadily increased. For example, by 1981, more than 80 percent of the bush bean entries in IBYAN were improved lines from the Bean Program.

The Program supplied genetic materials to collaborating national programs for any stage of development at which they wished to use them. This stage varied according to the type of limiting factors faced by the national programs, as well as their human and physical resources. CIAT supplied some countries with genetic lines that could be used immediately as varieties (Cuadro 6). In other countries, the materials best suited to the needs of the national programs were early generations of segregating populations, often from crosses made specifically to meet the needs of those programs.

Number of accessions
Creation date
1 December 1992
Published in Genesys
8 January 2024
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Not specified
CIAT Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

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MCPD passport data

MCPD - dceb6985-10a6-4435-89b0-8f5db8200757.xlsx

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List of accessions included in the subset

2. G1753Phaseolus vulgaris L. • NEGRO • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • CRI
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/K0EMH
3. G2333Phaseolus vulgaris L. • COLORADO, ALIYA, UMUBANO (RWA) • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • MEX
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/K0ZA~
4. G3410Phaseolus vulgaris L. • INIA PUEBLA, PUEBLA (RWA) • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • MEX
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/K1X3R
5. G4445Phaseolus vulgaris L. • EX RICO 23, AWASH 1 (ETH) • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • COL
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PE1RR
6. G4454Phaseolus vulgaris L. • ICA TUI • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • COL
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PPM1*
7. G4495Phaseolus vulgaris L. • PORRILLO SINTETICO • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • SLV
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PPK65
8. G4523Phaseolus vulgaris L. • ICA PALMAR, LINEA 17, RUBONA 5, INIA 17 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • COL
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PPJJP
9. G4823Phaseolus vulgaris L. • PIRATA 2 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • BRA
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/JP163
10. G5773Phaseolus vulgaris L. • ICA PIJAO, SUCHITAN, TENERIFE (VEN) • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • COL
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PP8KU
11. G13920Phaseolus vulgaris L. • TALAMANCA, LINEA ICA 10103 • Traditional cultivar/Landrace • COL
COL003 • DOI: 10.18730/PM2JF