Selection of Native Potatoes with Anthocyanins and Phenolics Compounds


The consumption of phenolic compounds is important for a healthy diet. Part of the diversity of potato is related with flesh color, so that diversity has a nutritional potential. Giusti et al (2014) studied a colorful set of native Andean potato with potential of high content of phenolic compounds.

The authors characterized and quantified the content of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds in 20 native potatoes belonging to four different Solanum species (S. chaucha, S. stenotomum, S. phureja and S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum). Lyophilized potato samples (with skin) were supplied by the CIP. All samples were characterized by HPLC−MS. Monomeric and polymeric anthocyanin content were determined using the pH differential method, and total phenolics were measured using the microscale protocol for Folin-Ciocalteau colorimetry. The most predominant anthocyanidins were petunidin-3-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside and pelargonidin-3-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside in purple and red potato extracts, respectively, while chlorogenic acid and its isomers were the main phenolic compound (43% of the total phenolic content). Major quantitative and qualitative differences among evaluated samples were more dependent on the coloration of the extracted sample rather than on the species. In conclusion, appropriate selection of native potatoes could provide new sources of polyphenolic compounds with health promoting properties and natural pigments more stable for food and healthier industry applications.

A set of 18 accessions of this study is available for distribution at the International Potato Center Genebank. The profile of the most abundant phenolic compounds and anthocyanins is shown in this dataset. Also, values of monomeric and polymeric anthocyanin (mg of cyanidin-3-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside equivalents/100 g Dry Weight-DW and pelargonidin-3-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucoside equivalents/100 g DW) and total phenolic content (mg of gallic acid equivalents/100 g of DW) in potato extracts are available.

Selección de Papas Nativas con Antocianinas y Compuestos Fenólicos

El consumo de compuestos fenólicos es importante para una dieta saludable. Parte de la diversidad de las papas nativas está relacionada con el color de la pulpa, por lo que es una diversidad con potencial nutricional. Giusti et al (2014) estudiaron un grupo de papas nativas pigmentadas de los Andes por el potencial de tener un alto contenido de compuestos fenólicos.

Estos autores caracterizaron y determinaron el contenido de antocianinas y otros compuestos fenólicos en 20 accesiones de papas nativas pertenecientes a cuatro especies de Solanum (S. chaucha, S. stenotomum, S. phureja y S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum). Para los respectivos análisis se utilizaron muestras liofilizadas de tubérculos de papa con piel proporcionadas por el CIP. Todas las muestras fueron cuantificadas usando HPLC-MS. El contenido de antocianinas monoméricas y poliméricas fue determinado usando el método de pH diferencial, y el contenido de fenoles totales usando el protocolo colorimétrico a pequeña escala de Folin-Ciocalteau. Las antocianinas más abundantes fueron identificadas como petunidina-3-cumaroil rutinósido-5-glucósido en los extractos de papa de color púrpura y pelargonidina-3-coumaroylrutinoside-5-glucósido en los extractos de color rojo. El ácido clorogénico, y sus isómeros, fueron los compuestos fenólicos más abundantes (43% del contenido total de compuestos fenólicos). Las diferencias en el contenido y el tipo de antocianinas y compuestos fenólicos dependieron en mayor medida de la coloración de la muestra extraída que de la especie. En conclusión, las papas nativas podrían representar nuevas fuentes de compuestos fenólicos y pigmentos estables para las industrias que promueven la salud y una mejor alimentación.

Un grupo de 18 accesiones de este estudio está disponible para distribución en el Banco de Germoplasma del Centro Internacional de la Papa, con propósitos de uso en investigación o agricultura. El perfil de los compuestos fenólicos y antocianinas más abundantes es mostrado en la tabla de datos, así como el contenido de antocianinas monoméricas y poliméricas (mg equivalentes de cianidina-3-glucosido/100 g de peso seco y de pelargonina-3-glucosido/100 g de peso seco), y el contenido de compuestos fenólicos totales (mg equivalentes de ácido gálico/100 g de peso seco) en los extractos analizados.

Crop name
Number of accessions
Number of traits
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Date not provided
End of evaluation
Date not provided
Dataset metadata

Dataset creators

Data manager
Monica Giusti Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University
Data manager
Maria Fernanda Polit Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University
Data manager
Huseyin Ayvaz Department of Food Science and Technology, The Ohio State University
Data manager
David Tay International Potato Center (CIP)
Data manager
Ivan Manrique International Potato Center (CIP)

Dataset use and licensing

Data and resources

Giusti et al. (2014) _dataset_selected_genebank



Giusti et al (2014)_description_compound_selected_genebank



MCPD passport data

MCPD - 4a88c9f9-4cbd-4203-823f-33ff23935277.xlsx

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Lima, Peru

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Metadata create date
11 January 2022
Metadata updated date
12 January 2022
Published in Genesys
12 January 2022
United States
Traits observed

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Phenolic compunds and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS

Is a Anthocyanins and quantification method by HPLC PDA/MS


List of accessions included in the dataset

2. CIP 702464Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. goniocalyx (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Natin Suytu • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/9DHX
3. CIP 702556Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. stenotomum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Sofia Papa • Traditional cultivar/LandraceBolivia
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/9ECK
4. CIP 703695Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Unknown • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/9XBH
5. CIP 703752Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Tacmara • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/9YYZ
6. CIP 703782Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. stenotomum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Q'oe Sullu • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/9ZTP
7. CIP 703862Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Yana P’altaq • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/A1YG
8. CIP 704133Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. stenotomum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Llapshahak'u • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/A9J1
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/AK29
10. CIP 704537Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. stenotomum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Ch'usu P’iti • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/AMNQ
11. CIP 704733Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Negra • Traditional cultivar/LandraceVenezuela
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/ATHT
12. CIP 705500Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. goniocalyx (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Warancarquina • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/BG7H
13. CIP 705534Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. stenotomum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Kuchipa Akan • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/BH8D
14. CIP 705820Solanum phureja Juz. & Bukasov • Chaucha Naranja • Traditional cultivar/LandraceColombia
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/BT0$
15. CIP 705841Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Unknown • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/BTKG
16. CIP 706630Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Sole • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/CFRV
17. CIP 706726Solanum tuberosum C.Linneo subsp. andigena (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Lekqo • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/CJA=
18. CIP 706884Solanum stenotomum Juz. & Bukasov subsp. goniocalyx (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes • Papa Lucha • Traditional cultivar/LandracePeru
PER001 DOI: 10.18730/CPNT