This descriptor list has been prepared in an IBPGR standard format following advice on descriptors and descriptor states arising from a meeting held at ICARDA on May 10—11 1982, and subsequently from crop experts throughout the world.
International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, (IBPGR); International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, (ICARDA). (1985). Lentil descriptors. Rome: Bioversity.
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
+ | Present |
To be observed before maturity
to be observed on fully expanded leaves, on the lower flowering nodes, see fig(1)
Height of plant in late pod-filling stage, measured from the groung to the tip of extended foliage. Mean of 10 plants
To be observed during pod filling
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Rudimentary | |
2 | Prominant |
time in days from sowing to when 50% of the plants are in flower. HOwevre, in drland areas when planting is in dry soils, it is counted from the first day of rainfall or irrigation, which is sufficient for germination
Time in days from sowing to when 90% of the pods are golden brown. See 4.2.1 for planting in drylands
Ground colour of standed petal (flag)
Code | Term | Description |
1 | White | |
2 | White with blue veins | |
3 | Blue | |
4 | Violet | |
5 | Pink | |
6 | Other | Specify in the notes, descriptor 11 |
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
+ | Present |
Measured as mean of 10 dry pods
Average weight of 2 samples of 100 randomly chosen seeds
To be observed on seed less than 3 months old (Reference to Methune book of colour)
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Green 2D4 | |
2 | Grey 5C4 | |
3 | Brwon 7D6 | |
4 | Black | |
5 | Pink 6B5 |
See Fig. 2
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Dotted | |
2 | Spotted | |
3 | Marbled | |
4 | Complex | Combination of 1,2 and 3 |
To be observed on seed less than 3 months old (Reference to Methune book of colour)
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Olive 2F7 to 3F5 | |
2 | Grey 6D3 | |
3 | Brown 6E4 | |
4 | Black |
To be observed on seed less than 3 months old (Reference to Methune book of colour)
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Yellow 4B6 | |
2 | Orange/Red 6A7 | |
3 | Olive-green 1D8 |
Scored at maturity (see 4.2.2) on scale 1-9, where
Absent All plants are standing
Yield of dried, mature plants after pulling
Code | Term | Description |
N/A | Coding table was not provided. |
Maximum number of flowers per peduncle on 10 representative plants
Estimate of the average height above ground of the lowest pod on unlodged plants at harvest
Scored after or during harvesting a week after maturity, (see 4.2.2) , on scale 1-9 where
Scored a week after maturity on scale 1-9, where
Yield of seed after drying
Percentage dry weight at seed moisture equal to or less than 12%. Use the conversion factor N x 6.25
Measured at seed moisture equal to or less than 12%
The time in minutes for cooking unsoaked seed to the softness in boiling distilled water at atmospheric pressure