Multicrop passport descriptors


The list of multi-crop passport descriptors is developed jointly by IPGRI and FAO to provide consistent coding schemes for common passport descriptors across crops. These descriptors aim to be compatible with future IPGRI crop descriptor lists and with the descriptors to be used for the FAO World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) on PGR.

The list should NOT be regarded as a minimum descriptor list, since many additional passport descriptors are essential for the description of crops and need to be recorded. This document lists an initial set of common passport descriptors at the multi-crop level. At a later stage the list could be expanded with additional multi-crop descriptors. E.g. descriptors dealing with the use of germplasm are currently not included, but their suitability for inclusion at the multi-crop level will be investigated. Future expansion could even result in the development of more specialized lists of common descriptors at the crop group level.

Bibliographic citation

Hazekamp, T., Serwinski, J., & Alercia, A. (1997). Multicrop passport descriptors. In E. Lipman, M. W. . Jongen, T. J. L. van Hintum, T. Gass, & L. Maggioni (Eds.), Central Crop Databases: Tools for Plant Genetic Resources Management(pp. 87–90). Rome (Italy), Wageningen (The Netherlands): International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, CGN.


Code of the institute where the accession is maintained. The codes consist of the 3-letter ISO 3166 country code of the country where the institute is located plus number or an acronym as specified in the Institute database that will be made available by FAO. Preliminary codes (i.e. codes not yet incorporated in the FAO Institute database) start with an asterisk followed by a 3-letter ISO 3166 country code and an acronym.

Passport data
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This number serves as a unique identifier for accessions and is assigned when an accession is entered into the collection. Once assigned this number should never be reassigned to another accession in the collection. Even if an accession is lost, its assigned number should never be reused. Letters should be used before the number to identify the genebank or national system (e.g. IDG indicates an accession that comes from the genebank at Bari, Italy; CGN indicates an accession from the genebank at Wageningen, The Netherlands; PI indicates an accession within the USA system)

Passport data
Data type
Free text

Original number assigned by the collector(s) of the sample, normally composed of the name or initials of the collector(s) followed by a number. This item is essential for identifying duplicates held in different collections. It should be unique and always accompany subsamples wherever they are sent.

Passport data
Data type
Free text

Genus name for taxon. Initial uppercase letter required.

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Free text

Specific epithet portion of the scientific name in lowercase letters plus authority (only provided at the most detailed taxonomic level). Following abbreviation is allowed: "sp."

Passport data
Data type
Free text

Subtaxa can be used to store any additional taxonomic identifier plus authority (only provided at the most detailed taxonomic level). Following abbreviations are allowed: “ssp.” (for subspecies); “var.” (for variety); “convar.” (for convariety); “f.” (for form).

Passport data
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Free text

Either a registered or other formal designation given to the accession. First letter uppercase. Multiple names separated with semicolon.

Passport data
Data type
Free text

Name of the country in which the sample was originally collected or derived. Use the ISO 3166 extended codes, (i.e. current and old 3 letter ISO 3166 country codes)

Passport data
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Location information below the country level that describes where the accession was collected starting with the most detailed information. Might include the distance in kilometers and direction from the nearest town, village or map grid reference point, (e.g. CURITIBA 7S, PARANA means 7 km south of Curitiba in the state of Parana) 10.

Passport data
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Free text

Degrees and minutes followed by N (North) or S (South) (e.g. 1030S). Missing data (minutes) should be indicated with hyphen (e.g. 10-S).

Passport data
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Free text

Degrees and minutes followed by E (East) or W (West) (e.g. 07625W). Missing data (minutes) should be indicated with hyphen (e.g. 076-W). 12.

Passport data
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Free text

Elevation of collecting site expressed in metres above sea level. Negative values are allowed.

Passport data
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Unit of measure

Collecting date of the sample where YYYY is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day.

Passport data
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Passport data
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3Traditional cultivar/Landrace
4Breeder’s line
5Advanced cultivar
99OtherElaborate in REMARKS field

The coding scheme proposed can be used at 2 different levels of detail: Either by using the global codes such as 1, 2, 3, 4 or by using the more detailed coding such as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.

Passport data
Data type
1Wild habitat
3.4Other exchange system
4Institute/Research organization
99OtherElaborate in REMARKS field

Code for the donor institute. The codes consist of the 3-letter ISO 3166 country code of the country where the institute is located plus number or an acronym as specified in the Institute database that will be made available by FAO. Preliminary codes (i.e. codes not yet incorporated in the FAO Institute database) start with an asterisk followed by a 3-letter ISO 3166 country code and an acronym.

Passport data
Data type

Number assigned to an accession by the donor. Letters should be used before the number to identify the genebank or national system (e.g. IDG indicates an accession that comes from the genebank at Bari, Italy; CGN indicates an accession from the genebank at Wageningen, The Netherlands; PI indicates an accession within the USA system)

Passport data
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Free text

Any other identification number known to exist in other collections for this accession. Letters should be used before the number to identify the genebank or national system (e.g. IDG indicates an accession that comes from the genebank at Bari, Italy; CGN indicates an accession from the genebank at Wageningen, The Netherlands; PI indicates an accession within the USA system). Multiple numbers can be added and should be separated with a semicolon

Passport data
Data type
Free text

The remarks field is used to add notes or to elaborate on descriptors with value “99”(=Other). Prefix remarks with the field name they refer to and a colon (e.g. COLLSRC:roadside). Separate remarks referring to different fields are separated by semicolons.

Passport data
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Free text