Genebank details

Botanical Garden and Rhododendron Park
Institute code
Accessions in Genesys
Most represented Crops
Not specified
Most represented Crop names
Most represented Genera
Most represented Species
Hydrangea macrophylla
Hydrangea paniculata
Hydrangea arborescens
Hydrangea macrophylla x macrophylla subsp. serrata
Hydrangea quercifolia
Biological status of accession
Advanced/improved cultivar
Provenance of material
Not specified
Type of Germplasm storage
Field collection
Curation type
Not specified
FAO WIEWS code of donor institute
Not specified
Breeder code
Not specified
Site of safety duplication
Not specified
Safety duplicated in Svalbard
Not in SGSV
ITGPRFA Multi-lateral system
Not declared in the Multi-lateral system of ITPGRFA
Available for distribution
Not specified
Last updates of passport data
9 November 2024
Passport Data Completeness Index (PDCI)
Genesys uses the PDCI as an indicator of the completeness of published passport data. The PDCI uses the presence or absence of data points in the documentation of a genebank accession, taking into account the presence or value of other data points (van Hintum et al. 2011). For example, a wild accession should have a well-defined collection site but no variety name. The PDCI ranges from 0 to 10, where 0 is the minimum score assigned to rather incomplete passport records and 10 is the maximum score assigned to very complete passport records. Any type of accession, wild, landrace, breeding material or modern variety, can attain the PDCI’s maximal score.
Average PDCI score for 18 accessions is 6.05, with minimum score of 5.65 and maximum score of 7.15.