Unlocking the secrets of crop diversity: Genesys connects genebanks and users worldwide

By christelle.rabil@croptrust.org
24 February 2023

Learn more about all the services Genesys provides to genebanks and their users in our new handout document, and don’t forget to share it in your networks!

Attention, genebanks!

The first page of this document is for you. It provides an overview of the benefits for your genebank when you join and start sharing data in Genesys.

Sharing accession data on Genesys can help increase the visibility of a genebank's collection, promote your work, and make the data more accessible to researchers and breeders. Genesys provides tools to help you manage and organize your data, and offers Embedded Genesys to easily integrate data directly into your existing  websites. We also promote the work of genebanks that publish data in Genesys through blog posts and newsletters that reach a global audience.

Genesys is a vital source of data for conducting gap analyses and tracking the current conservation status of crops. Data in Genesys is used by FAO for their reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals. As an important part of the Global Information System of the International Treaty on PGRFA, Genesys is connected to other key databases, such as FAO WIEWS, GRIN Taxonomy for Plants, Easy-SMTA and the DOI Registration Service.

Our two-pager highlights the benefits of being a Genesys partner!

Genesys for users of genebanks and their data

For users of genebanks and their data, Genesys is your one-stop-shop for the crop diversity conserved around the world.

The second page of the handout lists all the tools available in Genesys to search through more than four million accessions.

For users of genebanks, and users of genebank data, Genesys is a powerful tool for finding the specific crop diversity they need for research or breeding. The data in Genesys is collated using international standards for exchange of crop germplasm information, and includes over 150,000 images, 400 characterization and evaluation datasets, and 250 core collections and other interesting subsets of plant genetic resources. You can download the data to conduct your own analyses  for your specific purposes.

Once you have found the crop diversity you need, you can submit a request for the germplasm to most of the participating genebanks directly through Genesys, or reach out to genebank curators for assistance. We cannot guarantee you access to the material, since that is subject to international and national law, and the policies of each genebank.But you have to start somewhere…

The benefits for users of genebanks  are summarized on the second page of the document.

Join us!

If you are a genebank looking into joining Genesys, send us an email at helpdesk@genesys-pgr.org

If you are a user of genebanks looking into making use of the tools Genesys has to offer, make sure you register an account at https://www.genesys-pgr.org/registration.

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