Chickpea Characterization
The characterization of germplasm is essential for its effective use in crop improvement. Phenotypic characterization involves recording traits that are highly heritable, easily observable, and consistently expressed across different environments. The ICRISAT germplasm accessions are characterized at the Patancheru location in India (Latitude: 17.51° N, Longitude: 78.27° E, Altitude: 545 m). The descriptors developed for characterization and preliminary evaluation are followed for each crop assessed. Detailed crop-specific characterization information can be found in the ICRISAT Genebank Technical Manual manual.
The characterization of germplasm is essential for its effective use in crop improvement. Phenotypic characterization involves recording traits that are highly heritable, easily observable, and consistently expressed across different environments. The ICRISAT germplasm accessions are characterized at the Patancheru location in India (Latitude: 17.51° N, Longitude: 78.27° E, Altitude: 545 m). The descriptors developed for characterization and preliminary evaluation are followed for each crop assessed. Detailed crop-specific characterization information can be found in the ICRISAT Genebank Technical Manual manual.
Mean canopy height of five representative plants, measured from soil surface at the time of flower ending.
Mean canopy spread of five representative plants, measured at the time of flower ending.
Presence of anthocyanin pigment in plant parts
Angle of primary branches, recorded at mid-pod filling stage.
Number of branches emerging from the axils on the lower half of the main stem, average of five representative plants from each accession recorded at the time of harvest.
Average number of apical primary branches of 5 representative plants.
Average number of apical secondary branches of 5 representative plants.
Average number of tertiary branches of 5 representative plants.
Average number of basal primary branches of 5 representative plants.
Number of days from sowing or first irrigation to the stage when 50% of plants in a plot have begun flowering.
Number of days between 50% flowering and end of flowering in 50% plants of a plot.
Color of standard petal recorded at 50% flowering
Number of days from sowing or first irrigation to the stage when 90% of pods have matured or turned yellow.
Average number of pods of five representative plants
Average of 10 pods each from 5 representative plants.
Color of mature seeds stored no longer than 5 months.
Presence or absence of minute black dots on the seed coat recorded.
Shape of mature seeds
Seed surface observed from dry mature seed recorded
Weight of 100 seeds recorded in grams at 10% moisture content using a digital balance.
The percentage of crude protein estimated in the freshly harvested seeds using dye- a binding method or automatic protein analyser.
List of accessions included in the dataset