Sweetpotato descriptors used in CIP genebank are a selection from the 1991 publication by CIP/AVRDC/IBPGR.
CIP, AVRDC, IBPGR. 1991. Descriptors for Sweet Potato. Huamán, Z. editor. International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy.
Ability of vines to climb adjacent stakes placed in those accessions showing twining characters
Slightly Twining
Moderately Twining
Very Twining
Length of the main vines
Code | Term | Description |
3 | Erect | <75 cm |
5 | Semi-Erect | 75-150 |
7 | Spreading | 151-250 cm |
9 | Extremely spreading | > 250 cm |
Estimated percentage of the ground cover recorded 35-40 days after planting
Code | Term | Description |
3 | Low | <50% |
5 | Medium | 50-74% |
7 | High | 75-90% |
9 | Total | >90% |
Average diameter of at least three internodes located in the middle section of the vine.
Very thin <4 mm
Thin 4-6 mm
Intermediate 7-9 mm
Thick 10-12 mm
Very thick >12 mm
Average length of at least three internodes located in the middle section of the vine.
Very short <3 cm
Short 3-5 cm
Intermediate 6-9 cm
Long 10-12 cm
Very long >12 cm
Anthocyanine (purple pigmentation) present in the vines beside the green colour. The predominant colour should be evaluated considering the whole vine from base to tip.
Green with fee purple spots
Green with many purple spots
Green with many dark purple spots
Mostly purple
Mostly dark purple
Totally purple
Totally dark purple
Anthocyanine (purple pigmentation) present in the vines beside the green colour. The predominant colour should be evaluated considering the whole vine from base to tip. The secondary colour is more easily evaluated using younger vines.
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Green base | |
2 | Green tip | |
3 | Green nodes | |
4 | Purple base | |
5 | Purple tip | |
6 | Purple nodes |
Degree of hairiness of immature leaves recorded at the apex of the vines
Described from mature leaves located in the middle section of the vine.
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Rounded | |
2 | Reniform | Kidney-shaped |
3 | Cordate | Heart-shaped |
4 | Triangular | |
5 | Hastate | Trilobular and spear-shaped, with the basal lobes more or less divergent |
6 | Lobed | |
7 | Almost divided |
No lateral lobes Entire
Very slight Teeth
Very deep
Most leaves of sweet potato have two basal lobes and they should not be counted. Record the predominant number of the lateral and central leaf lobes observed on the leaves located in the middle of section of the vine.
Generally sweet potatoes have 1,3,5,7 or 9 leaf lobes. If the leaf has no lateral lobes but shows a central tooth this number is 1. If the apical portion of the leaf is totally rounded this number is 0.
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Toothed | |
2 | Triangular | |
3 | Semi-circular | |
4 | Semi-elliptic | |
5 | Elliptic | |
6 | Lanceolate | |
7 | Oblanceolate | |
8 | Linear | Broad |
9 | Linear | Narrow |
Length from the basal lobes to the tip of the leaves. Record the average expression of at least 3 leaves located in the middle section of the vine.
Code | Term | Description |
3 | Small | < 8 cm |
5 | Medium | 8-15 cm |
7 | Large | 16-25 cm |
9 | Very large | > 25 cm |
Describe the most frequent expression of the distribution of anthocyanin (purple) pigmentation shown in the veins of the leaves lower surface
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Yellow | |
2 | Green | |
3 | Purple spot in the base of mian rib | |
4 | Purple spots in several veins | |
5 | Main rib partially purple | |
6 | Main rib is mostly or totally purple | |
7 | All veins partially purple | |
8 | All veins mostly or totally purple | |
9 | Lower surface and veins totally purple |
Describe the overall foliage colour considering the colour of the fully expanded mature leaves of several plants. The variegation in leaf colour due to virus symptoms should not be recorded.
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Yellow-green | |
2 | Green | |
3 | Green wiith purple edges | |
4 | Greyish-green | Due to heavy pubescence |
5 | Green with purple veins on upper surface | |
6 | Slightly purple | |
7 | Mostly purple | |
8 | Green upper, purple flower | |
9 | Purple both surface |
Describe the overall foliage colour considering the colour of the fully expanded immature leaves of several plants. The variegation in leaf colour due to virus symptoms should not be recorded.
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Yellow-green | |
2 | Green | |
3 | Green wiith purple edges | |
4 | Greyish-green | Due to heavy pubescence |
5 | Green with purple veins on upper surface | |
6 | Slightly purple | |
7 | Mostly purple | |
8 | Green upper, purple flower | |
9 | Purple both surface |
Average petiol length, from the base to the insertion with the blade, of at least 3 leaves in the middle portion of the main vine.
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Very short | <10 cm |
3 | Short | 10-20 cm |
5 | Intermediate | 21-30 cm |
7 | Long | 31-40 cm |
9 | Very long | >40 cm |
Distribution of the anthocyanin (purple) pigmentation in the petioles of leaves. Indicate the most predominant colour first
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Green | |
2 | Green with purple near stem | |
3 | Green with purple near leaf | |
4 | Green with purple at both ends | |
5 | Green with purple spots throughout the petiole | |
6 | Green with purple stripes | |
7 | Purple with green near leaf | |
8 | Some petiole purple, others are green | |
9 | Totally pr mostlry purple |
Storage root outline shown in longitudinal section.
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Round | Almost a circular outline with a length to a breadth (L/B) ratio of about 1:1 |
2 | Round elliptic | a alightly circular outline with acute ends, and L/B ratio not more than 2:1 |
3 | Elliptic | symmetrical outline with about the maximum breadth at equal distance from both ends which are slightly acute. L/B ratio not more than 3:1 |
4 | Ovate | outline resembling the longitudinal section of an egg. The broadest part is at the distal end (away from the root stalk) |
5 | Obvoate | inversely ovate outline. The broadest part is at the proximal end (i.e. close to the root stalk) |
6 | Oblong | almost rectangular outline with with sides nearly parallel and corners rounded. L/B ratio is 2:1. |
7 | Long Oblong | oblong outline with with a L/B ratio about 2:1 |
8 | Long elliptic | elliptic outline with a L/B ratio of more than 3:1 |
9 | Long irregular or curved |
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Alligator-like skin | |
2 | Veins | |
3 | Shallow horizontal constrictions | |
4 | Deep horizontal constrictions | |
5 | Shallow longitidnal grooves | |
6 | Deep longitudinal grooves | |
7 | Deep constrictions and deep grooves |
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Very thin | < 1 mm |
3 | Thin | 1-2 mm |
5 | Intermediate | 2-3 mm |
7 | Thick | 3-4 mm |
9 | Very thick | > 4mm |
Code | Term | Description |
1 | White | |
2 | Cream | |
3 | Yellow | |
4 | Orange | |
5 | Brownish orange | |
6 | Pink | |
7 | Red | |
8 | Purple-red | |
9 | Dark-purple |
Code | Term | Description |
1 | Pale | |
2 | Intermediate | |
3 | Dark |
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | White | |
2 | Cream | |
3 | Yellow | |
4 | Orange | |
5 | Brownish orange | |
6 | Pink | |
7 | Red | |
8 | Purple-red | |
9 | Dark-purple |
Code | Term | Description |
1 | White | |
2 | Cream | |
3 | Dark cream | |
4 | Pale yellow | |
5 | Dark yellow | |
6 | Pale orange | |
7 | Intermediate orange | |
8 | Dark orange | |
9 | Strongly pigmented with anthocyanine |
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | White | |
2 | Cream | |
3 | Yellow | |
4 | Orange | |
5 | Brownish orange | |
6 | Pink | |
7 | Red | |
8 | Purple-red | |
9 | Dark-purple |
Code | Term | Description |
0 | Absent | |
1 | Narrow ring in cortex | |
2 | Broad ring in cortex | |
3 | Scattered spots in the flesh | |
4 | Narrow ring in flesh | |
5 | Broad ring in the flesh | |
6 | Ring and other areas in the flesh | |
7 | In longitudinal sections | |
8 | Covering most of the flesh | |
9 | Covering all the flesh |
Arrangement of the storage roots on the underground stems.
Closed cluster
Open cluster
Very dispersed
Amount of latex observed after cross sectioning medium-sized storage roots
Amount of browning due to oxidation observed 5-10 seconds after storage roots are cut in cross. Sepicify in reference or reference cultivar