Groundnut Characterization
The characterization of germplasm is essential for its effective use in crop improvement. Phenotypic characterization involves recording traits that are highly heritable, easily observable, and consistently expressed across different environments. The ICRISAT germplasm accessions are characterized at the Patancheru location in India (Latitude: 17.51° N, Longitude: 78.27° E, Altitude: 545 m). The descriptors developed for characterization and preliminary evaluation are followed for each crop assessed. Detailed crop-specific characterization information can be found in the ICRISAT Genebank Technical Manual.
The characterization of germplasm is essential for its effective use in crop improvement. Phenotypic characterization involves recording traits that are highly heritable, easily observable, and consistently expressed across different environments. The ICRISAT germplasm accessions are characterized at the Patancheru location in India (Latitude: 17.51° N, Longitude: 78.27° E, Altitude: 545 m). The descriptors developed for characterization and preliminary evaluation are followed for each crop assessed. Detailed crop-specific characterization information can be found in the ICRISAT Genebank Technical Manual manual.
Number of days to 75% seedling emergence from the day of sowing or first irrigation. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Number of days to 75% seedling emergence from the day of sowing or first irrigation. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Recorded at podding stage for plants at 10–15 cm interplant spacing.
Height of main axis, measured from cotyledonary axil up to terminal bud, mean of 5 plants recorded 60–85 days after emergence.
Presence of anthocyanin pigmentation in mature plants.
Hairiness, observed on main axis recorded.
Pattern of cotyledonary branching recorded.
Number of primary branches mean of 5 plants recorded at harvesting time.
Length of apical leaflet of the fully expanded third leaf on the main stem. Mean of 5 leaflets recorded from different plants (Figure 25ab). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Length of apical leaflet of the fully expanded third leaf on the main stem. Mean of 5 leaflets recorded from different plants (Figure 25ab). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Width of fully expanded apical leaflet of the third leaf on the main stem, measured at its widest portion. Mean of 5 leaflets recorded from different plants (Figure 26). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Shape of fully expanded apical leaflet of the third leaf on the main stem recorded
Number of days from emergence to the day on which 50% plants of an accession have flowered (Figure 29). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Shelling percentage recorded with seeds at about 8% moisture as (Mass of mature seeds x 100)/ (Mass of mature pods). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Shelling percentage recorded with seeds at about 8% moisture as (Mass of mature seeds x 100)/ (Mass of mature pods). Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Weight of 100 random, mature, wrinkle-free seeds. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Weight of 100 random, mature, wrinkle-free seeds. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Width of seeds recorded from an average of 10 mature seeds measured at mid-point. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Width of seeds recorded from an average of 10 mature seeds measured at mid-point. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Length of seed, recorded from an average of 10 mature seeds. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Length of seed, recorded from an average of 10 mature seeds. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Minor color of variegated seeds recorded.
Color of fully expanded leaf recorded
Width of fully expanded apical leaflet of the third leaf on the main stem, measured at its widest portion. Mean of 5 leaflets recorded from different plants. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Color of front face of the standard petal excluding the crescent portion of fresh and fully opened flowers recorded.
Color of the markings (crescent) on the front face of the standard petal recorded.
Pigmentation on peg.
Number of days from emergence to 90% maturity. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy seasons.
Number of days from emergence to 90% maturity. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy seasons.
Tip of the indehiscent fruit.
Degree of pod constriction.
Reticulation (venation, ribbing, ridging) on the shell of the pod.
Mean length of the pod, recorded from 10 mature pods. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Major color of seeds recorded within one month of harvest after complete drying of mature, wrinkle free seeds.
Mean length of the pod, recorded from 10 mature pods. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Mean width of pod at widest point, recorded from 10 mature pods. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Mean width of pod at widest point, recorded from 10 mature pods. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
Number of seeds per pod. The first number indicates the most frequent number of seeds per pod, the second indicates the second most frequent number and so on recorded.
Pattern of seed color, recorded within a month of harvest after complete drying.
Number of days from emergence to the day on which 50% plants of an accession have flowered. Recorded in both rainy and postrainy season.
List of accessions included in the dataset