Caracterización morfológica y bioquímica de 40 accesiones de Bactris gasipaes del CATIE


El CATIE posee importantes colecciones de recursos genéticos, las cuales se encuentran bajo un acuerdo con el Órgano Rector del Tratado Internacional sobre Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y Agricultura. Una de estas colecciones es la colección de campo de pejibaye, la cual cuenta con 614 accesiones.

En total se caracterizaron morfológica- y bioquímicamente los frutos de 40 accesiones. La caracterización de los frutos se llevó a cabo en 2007, y hace parte de un estudio colaborativo del CIAT, CIRAD, Bioversity International y CATIE.

Crop name
Number of accessions
Number of traits
Start of evaluation
Date not provided
End of evaluation
Date not provided
Dataset metadata

Dataset creators

Data manager
Gea Galluzzi Bioversity International
Data curator
Dominique Dufour CIRAD
Data curator
Evert Thomas Bioversity International
Data curator
Maarten van Zonneveld Bioversity International
Data curator
Andrés Escobar CIAT
Data curator
Andrés Giraldo CIAT
Data curator
Andrés Rivera CIAT
Data curator
Héctor Salazar Universidad del Quindío, Colombia
Data curator
Gerardo Gallego CIAT
Data curator
Xavier Scheldeman Bioversity International
Data curator
Alonso González CIAT
Data curator
William Solano CATIE

Dataset use and licensing

Data and resources

Dataset file

Caracterización morfológica de pejibaye CATIE.xlsx


Dataset metadata



MCPD passport data

MCPD - e4c3120e-8dc3-473a-867d-e1dc8978f383.xlsx

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Data provider contact information

Turrialba 30501, Cartago, Costa Rica

Other Metadata

Date of dataset
Related resources

Metadata create date
22 October 2018
Metadata updated date
22 October 2018
Published in Genesys
22 October 2018
CIAT, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Traits observed

It was determined by photograph

Nitrogen content was quantified in a colorimeter (660 nm wavelength) after digesting the fruit meal with sulfuric acid, selenium and salicylic acid

Temperature at which the starch in suspension gels

It was determined by photograph

Dry matter was obtained by placing cooked samples of ground fruit in an oven at 40 °C for 48 hours

Dry matter was obtained by placing fresh samples of ground fruit in an oven at 40 °C for 48 hours

Crude fiber content was determined by combustion of the dry matter residue of raw flour samples after digestion with acids and base reagents

To identify and quantify carotenoids, HPLC analyses were carried out on raw and cooked fruit pulp

It was determined by progressively heating a 10% starch water suspension

Time after which the starch in suspension gels

The functional properties of starch were determined using a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) on a 10% starch suspension

Starch was isolated from the flour and analyzed by RVA (Rapid Visco Analyzer)

The oil content was determined by extraction of the meal with hexane

Crude fiber content was determined by combustion of the dry matter residue of cooked flour samples after digestion with acids and base reagents

The firmness reduction factor shows the behavior of pejibaye against cooking (Tcrudo/Tcocido)

It was measured by incinerating the flour obtained from the fruits in an oven at 550 ºC for 3 hours

Nitrogen content was quantified in a colorimeter (660 nm wavelength) after digesting the fruit meal with sulfuric acid, selenium and salicylic acid


List of accessions included in the dataset

2. 11326Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWHBJPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
3. 11926Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKGDPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
4. 11927Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKHEPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
5. 11929Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKKGPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
6. 11930Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKMHPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
7. 11931Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKNJPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
8. 11934Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKRNPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
9. 12236Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWKTQPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
10. 12239Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWNK6Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
11. 12509Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWPHUPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
12. 12719Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWQ9QPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
13. 12729Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWQK~Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
14. 12733Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWQQ0Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
15. 12739Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWQT3Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
16. 12750Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWR5EPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
17. 12768Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWRKWPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
18. 12801Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWRQ*Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
19. 12804Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWRT=Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
20. 12806Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWRW0Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
21. 12807Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWRX1Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
22. 14142Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWX2QPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
23. 14144Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWX4SPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
24. 14150Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWXAZPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
25. 14151Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWXB*Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
26. 14454Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWZGVPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
27. 14457Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWZKYPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
28. 14461Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWZQ$Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
29. 14467Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWZR=Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
30. 14469Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWZT0Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
31. 14508Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HX0AGPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
32. 14517Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HX0EMPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
33. 14538Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HX0RYPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
34. 7399Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HW37APassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
35. 7596Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HW3RVPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
36. 9646Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWA6BPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
37. 9692Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWBMMPassport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
38. 9748Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWD5*Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
39. 9757Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWDE4Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.
40. 9983Bactris
CRI001 DOI: 10.18730/HWEN6Passport data for this accession is not available in Genesys at this time.